Warning letter by Mirco Lehr and Cyfire for Folkert Knieper and Marion's cookbook

Warning letter for copyright infringement: Marion's cookbook images used without permission?

Have you received a warning letter from lawyer Mirco Lehr and Cyfire on behalf of Folkert Knieper and Knieper Verwaltungs GmbH? The accusation: You have used images from the popular recipe site "Marions Kochbuch" without permission. This can be expensive, but don't panic! We can help you!

What's behind the warning about Marion's cookbook?

Folkert Knieper, the photographer behind the appetizing pictures on Marion's cookbook, has his copyrights consistently protected. Any use of his photos without a license - whether on websites, blogs or social media - can result in a warning letter. Not only are cease-and-desist declarations demanded, but also compensation for damages, information about the use and payment of legal fees.

Cyfire and lawyer Mirco Lehr: warning specialists in action

The law firm Cyfire and lawyer Mirco Lehr are known for taking rigorous action against copyright infringements on behalf of rights holders such as Folkert Knieper. Their warnings are often standardized and the demands are high. Don't let them intimidate you!

Your strong partner against warning letters: We know the tricks!

We are a law firm specializing in copyright law and have already successfully defended numerous clients against warning letters from Cyfire and Mirco Lehr. We know how to protect your rights and reduce the claims to a reasonable level.

What you should do now:

  1. Keep calm: Don't let the short deadlines put you under pressure.
  2. Do not ignore the warning: Respond in good time, but not without legal advice.
  3. No cease-and-desist declaration without examination: The required cease-and-desist declaration can have far-reaching consequences. We check it thoroughly and adapt it if necessary.
  4. Delete images: Please do not remove the affected images before we have assessed the situation.
  5. Seek professional help: We check the legality of the warning letter, negotiate with the other party and assert your interests.

Your advantages with us:

  • Experience: We are specialized in Copyright and warnings.
  • Competence: We know the strategies of the other side and know how we can help you.
  • Transparency: We will advise you comprehensively and clearly about your rights and options.
  • Cost control: We are committed to finding a fair solution and avoiding unnecessary costs.

Do not hesitate to contact us!

The sooner you involve us, the better we can protect your rights. We offer a free initial consultation in which we assess your case individually and explain the next steps to you.

Protect yourself from high costs and secure our support now!

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