HORRIDO as a trademark: Do shirts with the inscription violate trademark law?
The author of this blog is a passionate Neuss shooter himself - and even if the hunting slogan "Horrido" is not the motto of his
The author of this blog is a passionate Neuss shooter himself - and even if the hunting slogan "Horrido" is not the motto of his
A confidentiality agreement, also known as a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), protects sensitive information, business secrets and confidential data. It provides
In Germany, both puzzle maker Stefan Heine and the "New York Times" have the trademark rights to the popular online game
In competition law, companies can act unfairly not only towards consumers, but also towards competitors. A recent ruling by the Higher Regional Court (OLG)
Brands are the figurehead of a company. They embody the reputation, quality and uniqueness of the products or services. But
Registering a trademark is an important step for companies to legally protect their products and services. This can